5 Most Common Problems with Website Content
If you are just starting a work from home business, or have owned a home business for some time, you will have to write content for your website. The search engines are looking for unique, informative content. But, many Internet marketers do not take the time to make sure it is written properly.
A good article should provide the reader great information and leave them wanting to know more, however many articles I see are likely to leave you with exactly the opposite impression – ie. that the author did not understand what they were writing about.
Here are some common problems I see in many articles written today:
Many articles appear to ramble on and on, while forgetting what the purpose of the article was in the first place. Stay on track and focus on one specific element of your subject in each article. Do not try to cover 10 different elements in a 400 word article.
Incorrect or Out of Date Information
It is vital that you do in-depth content research and find the most recent data on the topic that you are writing on. This will make you appear to be an authority source on the topic.
Take the time to gain knowledge of your subject well and use many sources of information before you even start writing your article. Never underestimate the knowledge of your reader – it is highly likely that they know just as much or perhaps more than you do on the topic.
Spelling and Grammatical Errors
I’m not saying that you need to be word perfect, however your article does need to flow and demonstrate a reasonable grasp of the English language. I see many articles where the writing style is simply poor, it is nearly impossible to tell what the person was really intending to say.
Use the proper terms, as examples:
- the use of words like – there, their, and they’re
- and words like – affect and effect
- also the words – its and it’s
People want to extract information from your article quickly, therefore make sure you keep your paragraphs short and to the point. Make use of bullet points to highlight your key points and consider using sub- headings to break things up.
Article Length
There are many views on this, by many different Internet marketing gurus. They run the gambit from 400 words to over 1,000 words.
My view on this, is to make sure to cover the information you want to cover. I like to stay in the 500 word range. That way it is not too long, because most people have short attention spans. But, that does not mean I do not write 1,000+ word articles, because I do that also.
If you are writing an article for an article directory, be sure to check their rules for article length.
Internal Linking
This is a relatively new strategy, however the search engines seem to be looking for this in their ranking algorithms.
This is the internal linking to other pages on your website, or even other articles on your website. As an example, I might link this article to my page on Content and/or Search Engine Optimization, or my article on “A Beginners Guide to Improving Your Content.”
These are just a few of the common mistakes I see today. Whether you are just starting a work from home business, or have been an Internet marketer for years, writing great content poses many problems. So, take your time and write your content correctly, the search engines could penalize your website for having poor quality. And, you will loose traffic to your website, if people cannot understand what you are writing about.